Main Objective

To deepen the spirituality of enjoying God’s presence in prayer, which is a promise fulfilled in Christ’s love through the Spirit – Jn. 14:23; 17:21), by consistently practicing the sequence and priority of hearing from God, seeing the invisible in faith, doing the impossible in love, persevering in adversities with hope, and living in the power that manifests the indwelling Trinitarian community of divine love through the theological virtues reinforced by the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.


To be totally present in the presence of the Lord.


  1. Promoting Awareness of the Spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  2. Confronting the Dangers of Syncretism.
  3. Addressing the Dangers of Self-Deception.
  4. Promoting the Sacramental life of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  5. Practicing the Ontological Heart-Function as a Model of Consecration.
  6. In-depth Spiritual Formation.
    Expected outcomes:

    1. To enjoy the fulfillment of God’s promises among Christians within and beyond the Catholic Diocese of Meru.
    2. To break through the blindness of self-deception and promote the oneness of being totally present in the presence of the Lord, so that they may all be one (Jn. 17:20-21).
    3. When the Meru people discover treasures of the Kingdom of God in Christ’s love they will overcome syncretism.
    4. Christ’s love will be profoundly honored through celebration of the Sacraments.
    5. To donate (as act of charity and almsgiving) items for the poor. This will help Christians to be more committed to witnessing Christ’s love to the poor in Meru Diocese. To initiate projects that target the poor.
    6. To intensify consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through in-depth spiritual formation.

    About SHEVA

    Personally, I had dropped out from the flock of Christ, the Church, for almost five years. I had never thought of coming back. Additionally, I felt a lot of emptiness in my being in the Church. I discussed it with my parents and they could not convince me to continue being a Church goer.

    My Personal experience with Jesus took me by great surprise in March 1999 while I was undergoing a serious health crisis. At the lowest ebb in my life, the Lord healed me..... Read More

    Contact Us

    For more details, contact
    Rev. Fr. Peter M. Cyprian,
    Founder and director of the Sacred Heart Evangelization Awareness (SHEVA)
    Catholic Diocese of Meru

    P O Box 16-60200, Meru-Kenya


    +254 727669482

    +254 726001002