Why should one care about SHEVA?
The urgency of the restoration of the Lost Kingdom of God depends on God’s promises and their fulfillment in Christ’s love (Jn. 13:35). SHEVA is:
- An awareness that helppeoples to connect their journey of life much faster with God’s promises and their fulfillment in Christ Jesus ( 17:20-21).
- A means to satisfy God’s command: Love the Lord Your God, with your whole mind, your whole heart and your whole soul (Dt. 6:5; Mt. 22:37-40; Lk. 14:26; Jn. 14:23).
- An affirmative response to Christ’s command: “Proclaim the Good News to all creation” (Mt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15).
- A willingness to collaborate with Bishops and other Church Leaders in the vital task of training Catholic evangelizers all over the world (Lk. 10:16).
- A passionate response to the appeal of St. John Paul II (Haiti 1983): for a New Evangelization in our times, new in method, new in expression, and new in zeal (Mt. 10:16).
- A concrete way to foster the Church’s primary and universal mission of Evangelization (Mk. 16:15-18).
- A passion to embrace the vision of the Kingdom of God, in Christ Jesus (Jn. 17:20-26).
- A divine response to man’s quest for abundant life (Ps. 27:4; Jn. 6:56; 10:10b).
- A fruit of the twelve promises that Jesus gave St. Margaret Mary Alacoque between 1673 and 1675 to everyone who honors His Sacred Heart (Zech. 12:10; Jn. 19:37).
- A benchmark in honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the work of evangelization (Lk. 6:45), not a creation of another superstructure, movement or ideology within the Church or some parallel course with her or in any way outside her authority on local, regional or universal levels.
Personally, I had dropped out from the flock of Christ, the Church, for almost five years. I had never thought of coming back. Additionally, I felt a lot of emptiness in my being in the Church. I discussed it with my parents and they could not convince me to continue being a Church goer.
My Personal experience with Jesus took me by great surprise in March 1999 while I was undergoing a serious health crisis. At the lowest ebb in my life, the Lord healed me..... Read More
Contact Us
For more details, contact
Rev. Fr. Peter M. Cyprian,
Founder and director of the Sacred Heart Evangelization Awareness (SHEVA)
Catholic Diocese of Meru
P O Box 16-60200, Meru-Kenya
+254 727669482
+254 726001002
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