EVENTS: YEAR 2019: VENUE: "St. Michael Spiritual Centre, Kaaga - Meru"

26th – 31st January, 2020 - END MONTH Inner Healing Retreat
  1. “The Lord is my Shepherd…...” Psalms 23:1-6
23rd - 28th February 2020 - END MONTH A special Retreat for the Debtors, Jobless and Unmarried

2. “It is God who forgives and heales you” Psalms 103:3

22nd – 27th March, 2020 END MONTH Lentern Retreat

3.”Let anyone who isi thirsty come to me and let the one who believes in me drink…...” John 7:37-38

26th – 1st May, 2020 END MONTH Healing through the Eucharist & 19th-24th April A Special retreat for the youth

4.”I am the living bread…...” John 6:51 and

A Special retreat for the youth 19th-24th April (Acts. 17:28)

24th – 29th May, 2020 END MONTH Come Experience the newness of life....

5.”No greater love than this…..” John 15:13

21st – 26th June, 2020 END MONTH The healing power of prayer

6.”Ask and you will receive…..” Matthew 7:7

26th – 31st July, 2020 END MONTH Inner Healing Retreat

7.”You shall be like tree planted by river side …..” Jeremiah 17:8

9th - 14th August,2020 END MONTH Retreat for the Youth and 23rd - 28th August, 2020

8. “Behold! I am at the door knocking…” (Rev 3:20) 9th – 14th August,2020  Retreat for the Youth and 23rd – 28th August, 2020 …..” (Ps 103:5)

20th – 25th September, 2020

9. “I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you….” (Luke 10:19)

25th – 30th October, 2020 END MONTH Inner Healing Retreat

10. “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest….” Matthew 11:28

15th – 20th November, 2020 Children Retreat & 22nd-27th November,2020

11. “Let children come to me(Matthew 19:14) 15th – 20th November,2020  Children Retreat and 22nd – 27th November, 2020 …..” (Rev 1:8)

27th December,2020 – 20th January,2021 and Special Youth Retret 13th-18th December,2020

12. Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil 4:4)

27th December,2020 – 1st January,2021

Special Youth Retreat:

13th-18th December,2020 (Luke 12:49)


Personally, I had dropped out from the flock of Christ, the Church, for almost five years. I had never thought of coming back. Additionally, I felt a lot of emptiness in my being in the Church. I discussed it with my parents and they could not convince me to continue being a Church goer.

My Personal experience with Jesus took me by great surprise in March 1999 while I was undergoing a serious health crisis. At the lowest ebb in my life, the Lord healed me..... Read More

Contact Us

For more details, contact
Rev. Fr. Peter M. Cyprian,
Founder and director of the Sacred Heart Evangelization Awareness (SHEVA)
Catholic Diocese of Meru

P O Box 16-60200, Meru-Kenya

+254 727669482

+254 726001002